Thursday, September 1, 2011

Progress Energy

During Hurricane Irene, I thought about Progress Energy when my lights were out. There was absolutely no power whatsoever. I had a candle burning with oil evaporating and a gas stove that was too hot to deal with.

My next door neighbor beside me has a generator. It was very loud. Generators look kind of big, and I never thought about buying one. I just don't have a place to put one, and they can be pretty expensive. Today, my mind fell on Progress Energy while thinking of generators. What if Progress Energy had a special kind of generator to keep everybody's lights on? Would that be hard to do with all of the technology in the world? What do you think?

It would be kind of nice if there was some kind of  generator for every neighborhood in case of an emergency. Maybe in the future, Progress Energy will be able to do something like that. It could be a little box hooked on to the telephone poles and maybe a digital box. I have faith in technology. Amazing things are happening.